So what is wellness, anyway? Wellness is defined as "the active process of making choices that lead to a healthy and fulfilling life."
So wellness is much more than simply being free of illness.
To me, wellness means having the capability, desire, energy, and determination to pursue your goals and dreams and live your life to the fullest. I believe that as human beings on this earth, we are here to experience natural healing, loving connections, and extreme joy. And our aim in this life is to unblock anything that gets in the way of that.
I believe that as human beings on this earth, we're here to experience natural healing, loving connections, and extreme joy. And our aim in this life is to unblock anything that gets in the way of that.
Through my holistic and heart-centered approach to wellness, I want to help you begin to unblock the obstacles that may be holding you back from living your most vibrant and delicious life. I want to help you develop a healthier and more loving relationship with food, yourself, and your life.
My hope is that you'll learn to embrace your own imperfections, become more resilient, and have compassion for your own humanness. Because that's where the root of wellness begins.
My goal for this blog and website is to help you make sense of the overwhelming, confusing, and conflicting information out there about diets, weight loss, nutrition, and health. I want to guide you on your path to wellness and help you reduce the stress and overwhelm. (To learn more about my background and education, click here.)
I want to make this space informative, relevant, and entertaining, so besides written content, you'll also see fun and inspiring images and videos that'll warm your heart or make you smile. Because taking charge of your health means so much more than simply eating nutritious foods and exercising regularly.
For example, I love this clip (below) from I Love Lucy about "spooning your way to health." Ha! If it were only that easy!
Unfortunately, we must let go of the fact that there is no magic elixir that's going to solve all of our health problems. It's up to each one of us to take charge of our own health by educating ourselves and making the best choices we possibly can with the information we have—every single day.
Sorry friends, but Vitameatavegimin is not the answer!
Finding information on the internet about health and wellness is not the problem. We are currently living in the age of information. We have more information at our fingertips than at any other time in history.
We can find the answer to practically any question as fast as our little fingers can type—for free! Just ask Professor Google. . . But the problem is that we get way more answers than our brains can ever process—and it becomes all too overwhelming.
So the value isn't in the volumes of information we can access, but in the ability to find filtered and distilled information in a neat little package with a cute little bow. A package that's helpful and practical and can be opened and used in your everyday life. That's what I hope to offer you here on this website.
I'll share unbiased, research-based information, as well as my own experiences, knowledge, and resources—so that you can make the most informed choices for your own health. I will filter through the overload of data and break it down for you in a way that’s easy to digest and immediately apply to your own life.
I want to help you simplify behavior change, improve your overall health, and make your life a little bit easier.
My ultimate goal is to educate you about food, nutrition, health, wellness, self-care, self-love, and the power of your magnificent mind—so you can be the hero in your own weight loss story and live the beautiful, delicious life you deserve.
You certainly don't need more information, you just need the right information in a user-friendly way that will help you improve your daily life.
You certainly don't need more information, you just need the right information in a user-friendly way that will help you improve your daily life.
The path to wellness isn't a destination but a journey and I’ll be on that journey along with you. So we’re in this together!
My hope is that this space will be a little corner of the internet that you can come back to regularly for information, inspiration, and support—or just a soft place to land.
I hope it offers you what you need to be able to make the best choices for yourself in creating optimal health and wellness.
I hope it reminds you of your inherent value and worth, and it re-energizes you each time you come to visit.
I hope it acts as lighter fluid and ignites that flicker of desire within into a steady flame of passion and inspiration—to help you reach your goals and realize your dreams.
I hope it reminds you to live more from that loving place within your heart that is authentic and real—because that's when the most powerful and amazing transformation happens.
When you believe in yourself, trust your own wisdom, nourish your spirit, and follow your heart—anything is possible!