BEST Foods for Cooling Inflammation:
Omega-3-rich foods produce anti-inflammatory agents that reduce inflammation.
- chia seeds
- salmon
- walnuts
(see full list here)
Vitamin C-rich foods reduce levels of inflammatory free radicals and C-reactive protein.
- blueberries
- peppers
- zucchini
(see full list here)
Vitamin B6, B9, B12-rich foods help lower levels of homocysteine which can cause chronic inflammation in the arteries.
- bananas
- dates
- spinach
(see full lists here)
Zinc-rich foods decrease bio-markers of oxidative stress and reduce pro-inflammatory cytokines.
- coconut
- hemp hearts
- spinach
(see full list here)
Probiotic-rich foods help keep pro-inflammatory gut bacteria in check.
- fermented vegetables
- kefir
- yogurt
Other HELPFUL Foods:
- foods rich in magnesium
- foods rich in potassium
- green tea
- aloe vera
- celery juice
- bone/vegetable broths
- turmeric
- garlic
- cinnamon
- mushroom extracts
- cruciferous vegetables
- dark leafy greens
- monounsaturated fats
- high-fiber foods
WORST Foods for Cooling Inflammation:
- refined sugar & high fructose corn syrup
- conventional dairy products
- processed & refined grains
- fried foods & trans fats
- refined vegetable & seed oils
- conventional & processed meats
- processed, packaged, and fast foods
- artificial sweeteners
- gluten-containing foods
- GMO-containing foods & MSG
- high-glycemic foods
- excessive alcohol
Tame the Flames Smoothie
Food as Medicine
The Tame the Flames Smoothie includes the whole food ingredients listed below. You can find the complete recipe in "The Mix-and-Match Smoothie Guide" here.
Click on any ingredient to see the diverse nutrients and health benefits each one has to offer.